K-8 Grade Level Prerequisites 


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Scholars entering Kindergarten must be five (5) years of age by September 1st of the year they are set to begin Kindergarten. 

Grade 1

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a. Identify, represent, and write numbers 1-20 

b. Basic shapes, colors, create a pattern 

c. Identify and write all 26 letters of the alphabet 

d. Know phonograms 

e. Write name

Grade 2


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 20 minutes. 69 basic phonograms. Independently write a complete and legible sentence. 


Classify objects, ordinal number position, use number bonds, use base 10, count by 1s, 2s, and 5s, add on and make less within 10 and 20, and count and write numbers up to 120.

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No prerequisites.

Grade 3


Sustain independently reading at grade level for 30 minutes, write complete and legible multiple sentences, 76 phonograms. 


Place values, ones, tens, hundreds, thousands. Order numbers from greatest to smallest. Understands one (1) more, one (1) less, ten (10) more, ten (10) less, one hundred (100) more, and one hundred (100) less. Add and subtract two (2) digit numbers. Make equal groups, determine even and odd numbers, and count by 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s, and 10s. 

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No prerequisites.

Grade 4


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 40 minutes. Independently write a complete and legible paragraph, and write letters and some words in cursive. 


Add and subtract fluently within 1000, multiply and divide fluently within 100, compare fractions with the same numerator and/or same denominator, explain the equivalence of fractions, and round whole numbers. 

All Other Courses

No prerequisites.

Grade 5


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 50 minutes, independently write multiple complete paragraphs in cursive, and analyze sentences to identify principle elements such as subject, predicate, adverb, adjective, and direct object. 


Prime or composite numbers, solve multiplication and division word problems, compare multi-digit numbers, addition and subtraction of fractions, area, and perimeter for rectangles, angles, geometric shapes, and angle measurement. 

All Other Courses

No prerequisites.

Grade 6


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 60 minutes, independently write three (3) paragraph essays in cursive, and analyze sentences to identify principle elements such as subject, predicate, adverb, adjective, direct object, and prepositional phrases. 


Place value 10,000,000. Solve word problems with mixed operations, multiply and divide two (2) digit numbers. Add, subtract, divide fractions, compare and round decimals, add and subtract decimals, volume, and write algebraic expressions. 

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No prerequisites.

Grade 7


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 60 minutes. Independently write five (5) paragraph essays in cursive and typed, analyze sentences to identify principle elements such as subject, predicate, adverb, adjective, direct object, prepositional phrases, compound sentences, and other subordinate clauses. 


Order of operations, multiply and divide decimals using positive and negative integers, ratios, basic-level equations with equalities and inequalities, coordinates, and graphs. 

All Other Courses

No prerequisites.

Grade 8


Sustain independent reading at grade level for 60 minutes. Independently write multiple-page essays, and analyze sentences to identify principle elements such as subject, predicate, adverb, adjective, direct object, prepositional phrases, compound sentences, and other subordinate clauses. 


Rational numbers and inequalities, additive inverse and rules for using operations with negative numbers, rational number to a decimal using long division, add, subtract, factor, and expand linear expressions with rational coefficients, ratios, and proportional relationships to solve problems involving area, surface area, and volume. Area and circumference of a circle, supplementary, complementary, vertical, and adjacent angles. 


Completion of 7th grade Latin or equivalent.

All Other Courses

No prerequisites.