9-12 Grade Level Prerequisites 


Grade 9

Can sustain reading at a high school reading level for over an hour.

Can write essays that make claims and use evidence to support those claims.

Can revise their writing with teacher guidance for grammar, clarity, and style. 

Grade 10

Can sustain reading at a high school reading level for 90 minutes. 

Has some experience reading classic literature and reading/analyzing primary historical sources. 

Can write multi-paragraph essays that synthesize at least two sources and use evidence from those sources.

Can independently revise writing for grammar, clarity, and style.

Grade 11

Can sustain reading at a high school reading level for 90 minutes. 

Has experience reading classic literature and reading/analyzing primary historical sources. 

Can write multi-paragraph essays that use multiple sources that anticipate and address counterclaims, maintain a formal tone; and revise those essays independently for grammar, clarity, style, and precise language. 

Grade 12

Can sustain reading at a college reading level for 90 minutes. 

Multiple years of experience in reading classic literature can confidently read and analyze primary historical sources. 

Can write multi-page essays that critically engage multiple classics, revise writing independently for grammar, force, originality, and elegance, and verbally defend their writing. 

Social Sciences

Government & Economics

Can sustain reading at a college reading level for 90 minutes. 

Multiple years of experience in reading classic literature. 

Can confidently read and analyze primary historical sources.

Can write multi-page essays that critically engage multiple classics, revise writing independently for grammar, force, originality, and elegance, and verbally defend their writing. 

Moral and Political Philosophy

Can sustain reading at a high school reading level for 90 minutes. 

Has experience reading classic literature and reading/analyzing primary historical sources. 

Can write multi-paragraph essays that use multiple sources that anticipate and address counterclaims, maintain a formal tone; and revise those essays independently for grammar, clarity, style, and precise language.



No prerequisites. 


Completion of Algebra 2 or currently enrolled.


Completion of Algebra 2 or currently enrolled.



Algebra 1

Integer exponents to generate equivalent numerical expressions, radical and integer exponents, relationships and square roots symbols and solutions, slope formula, rational and irrational numbers, analyze linear equations in one variable, and solve pairs of linear equations. 

Pythagorean Theorem, patterns of association in bivariate data with a linear equation, use distance, angle, similarity, and congruence. 

Algebra 2

Rational exponents, properties of rational and irrational numbers, the structure of expressions, arithmetic operations on polynomials, zeros, and factors of polynomials, equations, inequalities in one variable, functions, and interpret linear models. 

Euclidean Geometry

No prerequisites.

Foreign Languages

Latin 1

No prerequisites.

Latin 2

Completion of Latin 1 or equivalent. 

Latin 3

Completion of Latin 2 or equivalent. 

Spanish 1

No prerequisites. 

Spanish 2

Completion of Spanish 1 or equivalent. 

Spanish 3

Completion of Spanish 2 or equivalent. 

Fine Arts & Electives

Art 1

No prerequisites. 

Art 2

Completion of Art 1 or equivalent. 

Art 3

Completion of Art 2 or equivalent. 

Music 1

No prerequisites. 

Music 2

Completion of Music 1 or equivalent. 

Music 3

Completion of Music 2 or equivalent. 

Speech & Debate

No prerequisites.